Brrrrrrrrrr its cold in my craftroom, but I've still managed two gift sets!!
Gift Set 1 Christmas is for challenges at:
CRAFT ~ Christmas Present.
and the box crammed full with yummy toffee's
Gift Set 2 Little Girls Birthday.

with Hairband and Brooch.

PP ~ Forever Friends & K&co.
Stamps~ Whiff of Joy & Magnolia.
Flowers ~ Wild Orchid Crafts.
CS,Tag Punch & Ink ~ SU!
Ribbon ~ Ebay.
Buttons from stash.
Gems ~ Papermania.
Crochet Daisies ~ Homemade.
Brooch Pin & Hairband ~ Local Bead Shop.
Now I don't usually do these but the Lady who has given me his award is one of my bestest Blogging friends so there is no way she can be ignored!!!
Thank you
Jacki for this lovely award.
The rules are:
Thank the person from whom you received your award.
Share 8 things about yourself.
Pass this award onto 8 Friends. & Inform your friends of your gift!
Here goes..................
I have been Nursing for 20yrs in January and have taken the decision to go back to school and learn to be a Midwife.
My (Our) dream is to own a guest house in The Lake District.
I'm a Cougar ( Apparently,James is 9yrs my Junior).
I've alway's fancied being a Burlesque Dancer and have recently developed a passion for corsets.
I spend far too much time on my laptop and not enough in my Craftroom.
I would like to learn to ride a horse and maybe even Hunt.
I don't drive!!
But best of alland the most exciting is that my Daughter has an Audition for Britains Got Talent next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The friends I am going to pass this award onto are, Sarah-Louise, Rachel -Louise, Carrie, Beth, Louise, Sue, Lyn & Max.